At first I put graph one onto the other - regardless of the absolute heart rate, which resulted in a centered position in y, which is the pulse (Person 1 +2 Overlay). Because of the visual confusing outcome I decided to identify similarities via simple color multiplication (Similarities [Overlapping]).
This is my theory what this result can tell: In those regions which have overlapping color (red + red or green + green) both persons have had the same kind of pulse: either above the trend line (red) or below (green). This means both persons have been emotionally touched in the same manner. So the bars in grey depict those time frames, where both individuals have been responded similar - although they have seen the movie in different locations and at different day time (and of course at different dates).Person 1 fails keeping attention after 30 minutes - it's me, folks and this is why: I went to the cinema in the afternoon, when I usually have my energy drop.
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